With experience in design, quality assurance, interactive media, and marketing, I have a unique perspective when it comes to designing thoughtful, elegant experiences backed by solid research and testing.

Selected Projects

About Me

I’m originally from St. John’s, Newfoundland, and have also lived in Alberta, Quebec, Ontario, and British Columbia. As an adventurous person I’m always looking to explore and try new things. With nature at my doorstep right in my hometown, it was only natural that I fall in love with the outdoors. Camping, kayaking, hiking with my dog, and fires on the beach are all things that make me happy.

I am a lover of art, and music, and I love curating Spotify playlists (If you’re feeling a certain vibe, I probably have a playlist for you!).

I am curious and inquisitive, and I love to learn new things (useless trivia anyone?). I’m always looking for the ‘why’ behind something and am eager to dig deep into a problem.

View my CV:


Let's chat!

Send me an e-mail, or reach out on Twitter and LinkedIn.

✉️ [email protected]

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